Digimon Adventure: Bokura no War Game!
Digimon: The Movie
Digimon Adventure: Bokura no War Game was aired in theaters as a double feature alongside the One Piece movie as part of Toei's Spring 2000 Anime fair. In the US release titled Digimon: The Movie, three of the Digimon films were edited together into one single film due to the low individual run time of them. It was released nationwide on October 6, 2000. Several heavy changes were made in this edit such as plot changes to make the story connected and a soundtrack featuring insert songs from artists such as Smash Mouth. Cumulatively, over 40 minutes was cut from the original releases. The movie was divided into three parts, which are respective of the original films.
Digimon Adventure: Bokura no War Game was aired in theaters as a double feature alongside the One Piece movie as part of Toei's Spring 2000 Anime fair. In the US release titled Digimon: The Movie, three of the Digimon films were edited together into one single film due to the low individual run time of them. It was released nationwide on October 6, 2000. Several heavy changes were made in this edit such as plot changes to make the story connected and a soundtrack featuring insert songs from artists such as Smash Mouth. Cumulatively, over 40 minutes was cut from the original releases. The movie was divided into three parts, which are respective of the original films.