In a bright, grandiose city, a young boy and girl look for their partners amidst a technicolor tour de force. As the two embark on their respective quests, they encounter the familiar faces of those who have made their mark on the Pokémon world. Villains, cham...
Gotcha! was released on September 29, 2020 as part of a video celebrating the Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass for the Crown Tundra on The Official Pokémon YouTube channel.
In a bright, grandiose city, a young boy and girl look for their partners amidst a technicolor tour de force. As the two embark on their respective quests, they encounter the familiar faces of those who have made their mark on the Pokémon world. Villains, cham...
Gotcha! was released on September 29, 2020 as part of a video celebrating the Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass for the Crown Tundra on The Official Pokémon YouTube channel.